Why do you write what you write? And why do you choose to write it in that way?

Your distinct blend of traits, peculiarities, attitudes, beliefs, experiences, emotions and aspirations determines what you write. And more importantly, how you write it – the tone, length of sentences and paragraphs, the words you choose, their arrangement, the images you evoke, your descriptions of textures, sounds and emotions. These are elements your readers can point at and say, “I know who wrote this.”

That’s your voice, your brand. It tells your readers that you are you…not a robot, not just another author, but a storyteller with a personality.


How to Find your Unique Writing Voice:

  1. Know Thyself.

Describe yourself in a bunch of adjectives. Then, go through your entire writing collection. Look for consistencies in themes, vocabulary, punctuation, moods, tone of voice, figures of speech, cultural references and imagery. Observe these things in your spoken conversations too. Do the same with your favourite books and authors. What do they have in common? What about each of them appeals to you? It all reflects your own personality as a writer.

  1. Explore Genres.

You may think that a certain element is a part of your voice. But it may only be particular to the genre you write in, since you’re likely to use tones and style most associated with it. If you write about romance, experiment with sci-fi or mystery. The consistencies in your work across different genres point out to your voice.

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  1. Get Quirky.

 To let your unique voice emerge, embrace what that makes you an individual. And that means letting your weirdness shine through. Does your inner editor often tell you that your thoughts are “odd” or that you should stick to rules all the time? It’s time to loosen up. Your quirkiness can make your writing fun, interesting and distinct. Unleash it, and you’ll find a voice to tell your stories in ways that no one else can.

  1. Write Like You Talk.

Several successful authors write in a conversational manner; it makes readers feel as though they’re just across a coffee table. Amateur authors tend to throw on a “hat” when they write – using words, sentence structures and tones of voice they wouldn’t normally use in ordinary conversation. The voice you talk in is already unique to you. You have your own lingo, gestures, most-used phrases and so on. Use it!

  1. Write Sincerely and Passionately.

Your unique voice originates from a place of authenticity. Plunge into the deepest corners of your heart and mind. Let your emotions flood onto your papers…raw, real and unconstrained. Describe the things, people, animals and places that move, inspire, disturb, enrage and captivate you. When you write from a space of such honesty, you’ll write in a voice that’s truly you.

  1. Write Freely.

To find your inner voice, shut off what hinders its freedom – your inner editor…well, just for a while. Choose a prompt, set a time limit of about ten minutes and begin scribbling your thoughts down. Don’t pay heed to grammar, theme or style. Afterwards, you can observe your most natural way of expressing yourself. The more you free write, the more patterns you’ll find. Put it all together, and you’ll have the elements that make up your voice.

person writing a letter


Wrapping Up

When you set out to discover your unique voice, persist but be patient too. There are themes to uncover, clues to gather…and there’s a whole lot of nurturing to do. Keep exploring and let the words flow; your unique writing voice will blossom!




You’re just about to begin writing, when you feel the urge for a quick email check. A few hours later, you’ve answered all your emails, read all the news on Twitter, watched three movie trailers, reorganised your desk and snacked (twice). Then, reality hits. Discomfort starts to sink in. Eventually, you decide to do the job when you’re feeling better…back to square one with a blank page.

Writers often find themselves trapped in the dreadful loop of procrastination. It starts off with the seemingly harmless idea of putting your work off for a while, but you end up with all your motivation and productivity drained away.

The good news is that you’re not alone; everyone procrastinates. Some do it more, some do it less, and some find a way to beat it. And well, there’s no bad news. Everything can be overcome with the power of your will!

Here are five ways you can beat procrastination.

  1. Do away with distractions

Procrastinators across the world have one thing in common – the tendency to give in to distractions. Why waste energy fighting your urges when you can eliminate their causes? Ideally, you’d completely disconnect from the world while you write. This means switching your phone off, disconnecting from the Internet and working alone. If you can’t switch your phone off, silence it. If you must stay connected to the Internet, sign out of your social media accounts or install browser extensions that block certain websites while you write. If you can’t be alone, find a quieter spot. And give your workspace a makeover; it can go a long way. Let it reflect the state of mind you seek – absolutely clutter-free.

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  1. Plan it out

It’s easy to feel intimidated when you look at finishing your book as one major mission. The smaller your goals, the less daunting they seem and the easier it is to get them done. Break your job down into a series of steps: researching, ideating, writing your first draft, editing and so on. To make it easier, set mini-goals, measured by words or pages. For example, you could aim to finish three pages of your first draft each day. Allow more time than you think you need – when you finish a task earlier, you’ll feel more confident to take on the next one; and when you don’t, you won’t panic about falling off track. Make a to-do list and keep checking off items as you go, the sense of achievement will propel you forward.

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  1. Reward yourself

No matter how much you love writing, it sometimes feels like nothing more than a drill. And achieving your mini-goals isn’t always enough to keep you going. Lift your spirit up with rewards; they do wonders for your productivity. When you finish a chapter, take yourself out to dinner. Or when you’re halfway through your first draft, take a day off to unwind with friends. Why, what, when, where and how – it’s all up to you.

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  1. Just write

If blank pages seem to overpower you, fill them up! Shut off your inner editor and start scribbling. You don’t have to begin with the introduction; write about a character, an incident…anything! It’s great to strive for flawless writing, but being hard on yourself only leads to more anxiety and less motivation. And that lays the very grounds for procrastination! Embrace bad writing. It’s okay, really. First drafts are never impeccable. In fact, they’re even supposed to be messy – it’s all about unhindered expression. All that matters is that the words flow. There’s plenty of time for polishing.

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  1. Spend your day better

How you spend the rest of your day affects how you write. Bring more discipline and relaxation into your life, and you’ll work far more smoothly. Do things that make you feel good, and you’ll naturally feel more creative, stress less and procrastinate lesser too.

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Breaking out of the cycle of procrastination takes effort, but the fruits are incredibly luscious. Gather every bit of determination and you’ll set yourself up for sweet success!


Staying creative in today’s chaotic world

Staying creative in today’s chaotic world

“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” – Pablo Picasso

Ever wondered why children are so much more imaginative? The answer is simple. They stress less and their minds aren’t bound by logic. Creativity is essential, and this doesn’t only apply to artists and professionals working in creative industries; creativity boosts problem-solving abilities and improves other vital areas of our lives like health, work and relationships. That’s why it’s important for you to stay creative in your adult years, even if it means doodling in your free time. But it’s getting harder to do so these days, and you’re not the one to blame – it’s the hustle of life. Here’s how you can tap your fountain of inspiration and innovativeness in today’s chaos ridden world.


Escape it.

No, I’m not asking you to quit your job and run off to Bali. I’m talking about the art of detachment. When you’re in a busy environment, plug in your headphones and play some instrumental music, or what you usually listen to while creating. The next time you’re outside and catch yourself daydreaming, don’t stop. You can use it to develop your ability to detach from chaos when you need to. Go on a run before you get started with your activity; physical exercise gives you a break from the world and refreshes your mind. Find a place where you’re completely disconnected from the outside world. This is where you can get in rhythm. Build a space in your home and use it exclusively for creativity. You can go all out with setting up the ideal ambience. Use whatever you fancy – different kinds of lighting, posters of quotes and people who inspire you, even scented candles! Treat it as your special zone. As time goes by, simply being in this space can make you switch to “creativity mode”.


Embrace it!

Sometimes, all it takes to change your relationship with the world is altering your perception. Observe the world’s chaos in all its disorderly glory. Look for patterns, themes and connections. Ask “why” and “how”. Find beauty in the chaos; write about it in your notebook. On days when chaos leaves you feeling frustrated or anxious, tune in to the emotions. Let your energy flow and channelize it to create something – it could be as simple as making pasta with your own twist, or something elaborate like writing a movie script. Do what comes to you naturally at that point; creativity is creativity no matter what form it takes! Embracing the world’s chaos to stay creative is a classic example of turning your stumbling blocks into stepping-stones. Try it and you’ll be delighted by how great it makes you feel.


Takeaway Time

Because creativity is subjective and quite a personal affair, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Each solution may work differently on different days. So you need to give yourself ample time to try things out and find what fits you best. Most importantly, remember to have fun with creativity! Connect with your inner child more often, and you’ll soon find that you’re more in touch with your imagination, even in the midst of chaos.

Contributed by Christina Bird for Tangerine Online Reputation Management

Writing As A Career

Writing As A Career

The profession of writing can be exceptionally rewarding. Before delving into its vibrant world, let’s first address the question of what it is to be a writer. While the


answers vary, writers across the globe would agree that it means finding pure joy in pouring your heart, mind and soul out through words that combine to form something beautiful. Few things make you feel as alive as when bursts of inspiration fuel your creations. Such zeal, combined with skill and self-determination, lays the foundation for a flourishing career in writing.

Writing for a Living in Modern Times

For a writer, India of the 21st century is quite an exciting place to be. More than ever, companies value content that can reach out to people and inform, help, entertain, comfort, motivate, provoke and inspire them. And there are so many forms your writing can take – poems, short stories, essays, scripts, lyrics, one-liners, blogs, web content, taglines, reviews, product descriptions…the list goes on! As a young writer, you’re valued for your fresh perspective on things and your eagerness to experiment. If switching from your current field of study/specialisation to this one sounds like a possible disaster to you, think again – you can use this knowledge to carve your own niche.


By transforming the way people connect with each other, the Internet has largely transformed the profession of writing. So far, its boom has been a boon. Social networking sites have created new job titles and countless opportunities. Blogging is a realm in itself and it’s one of the most sought after ways to make a living. Digital magazines are all the rage, and writing eBooks is now a viable career. Let’s not forget the thousands of gaming companies seeking writers to bring stories and characters to life.

Meanwhile, print is still alive; publishers are on the look out for new authors and young minds. You don’t have to write a best-selling book or struggle with funds to get published – printing on demand and crowd funding are growing trends.

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Another avenue worth exploring is publishing platforms whose concepts revolve around providing a launch pad for authors of various kinds. One such platform is Pblishing. Pblishing carries out the process of publishing your work right from the stages of designing to distributing, and you get a chunk of the earnings. Your part is to pitch your idea to the audience and get 300 people to pre-order the book.

Freelance writing is now a full-fledged profession with a whole bunch of perks, allowing you to write for anyone from any part of the world. While all you need is a computer and an Internet connection, the scope for earning is undeniably endless.


Making your way to the top, as a writer, requires patience, persistence and hard work…just like in any other job. Nevertheless, when you embark on your journey, know that you’re in for a delightful experience filled with lessons, discoveries and pleasant surprises. Apart from being a hobby for some and a job for others, writing is a way of life; and that’s what sets it apart from most other careers.

Contributed by Christina Bird for Tangerine Online Reputation Management

Getting Published Through Crowdfunding

When I switched careers to move from Human Resources to writing, I did not yet appreciate how difficult it would be to get published. My relocation at the same time, from India to Africa, did little to help, especially since my books are meant primarily for Indian readers.

I did find an easy way out initially. I self-published my debut novel as an e-book on Amazon. This meant that my book was available for the entire world on their e-readers and I would receive royalties on a monthly basis straight into my account. I was quite delighted and this sufficed for a while.








However, I soon began to realise that a large section of Indian readers are not yet into Kindles and e-readers. They still prefer ordering a paperback online and reading it with the feel of paper between their fingers. Many well-wishers on various occasions assured me that they would love to read my book, but in print!

This meant that I needed to get my book out in paperback form. Publishers today function very differently from the way they did just a few decades ago. Earlier, a publisher would evaluate your manuscript and if he felt it had potential, he would place his bets on you and print a batch of books, getting them out into the market. Today, a publisher puts the onus right back on you.

You want to get published, he asks. Well, just pay us a big sum of money to cover our costs and risks. If your books sell, great! You will eventually earn. If not, the loss is yours. With such half-hearted commitment, they don’t put in the best of their sales and marketing efforts behind your book. After all, they have nothing to lose. They minted money from you right in the beginning and care no longer.

I know of some fellow authors, who went down this route, paying sums ranging from Rs 30,000 to Rs 80,000 as one-time, non-refundable fees. In today’s Indian market, books sells for only about Rs 150-300. Profits were mere dreams, these authors lost money in getting their books to readers. At least, I thought, through Amazon, I earn money on each book without having paid a penny to get my e-book out there. However little, I was seeing pure profits.

My quandary though, wasn’t resolved. I wanted nothing more than to see my book out in print on the bookshelves of India. I wanted to hold and feel my book in my own hands. I found a solution, more than a year later, in crowdfunding.

In Search of Love Published via Crowdfunding

Pblishing has offered me a contract, where if I get a crowd to fund me, they would bring my books to shelves in India. Essentially, if you believe in me and what I’m doing, you place an order for my book, paying Rs 250 in advance to the publisher and when 250 people do so, they print the first batch of my books! The first set of copies is delivered straight-away to these 250 patrons, who showed their confidence in me and backed me up.

I have 45 days to meet this target and will know at the end of this time period if crowd-funding is going to work for me. But on the face of it, it seems like a win-win for all. The author gets her book published, the reader gets a book they believe in at their doorstep through an online purchase and the publisher gets an assurance that he will recover the costs incurred in print.

Best of all, it is all out there, transparent and for all to see. You can follow my book’s journey on the link below, tracking the number of pre-orders I’ve received so far against my deadline. If I meet the target, you get my book; if not, you get back your money (it is refunded in full to your account).

So would you like to back-me up?

If yes, place an order for your copy of In Search of Love today. Also, feel free to share this blog with friends and family who may like to help turn a budding author’s dream into reality!

Alone, I am one; but with you, I am many. Let’s see if there’s power in crowds.


Contributed by Piyushi Dhir (Author, In Search of Love)